Salvino Varciat, front-end developer.

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About me

Hello there!

I'm Salvino Varciat.

I am 31 years old and I come from France and live in montreal for 6 years now.

Formerly a hatter in Montreal and a pastry chef in France before that, I decided to become a front-end developer.

Always looking for new challenges and experiences you can contact me if you are interested.

Contact me right chevron

Some of my projects.

Take a look.


Small personal login/sign-in project with animation and responsive made with html, css and javascript.

GitHub right chevron


My graduation project and my biggest for the moment, thanks to this project I learned a lot with Node.js, Express and Mongodb.

GitHub right chevron

Infinity Scroll

A fun project using an image api using HTML/CSS and Javascript.

GitHub right chevron

Audio player

An audio player containing some music with the possibility of changing the song, pausing and choosing the moment you prefer done in html css and javascript

GitHub right chevron

Weather app

A weather application made with HTML/CSS and Javascript using a weather API.

GitHub right chevron

Filterable list

This project allows users to be filtered in a list using the search bar by name or email. It was made with HTML/CSS and javascript.

GitHub right chevron

Project Agrex

This is a one page website that i have made with HTML/CSS and bootstrap.

GitHub right chevron

Validation form

An example of a classic Validation Form with character instructions made in html css javascript

GitHub right chevron
